Tips Keto diet

8 biggest keto mistakes

day now one thing with the ketogenic diet is that you do eat protein but eating too much protein will cause something called gluconeogenesis where your body recognizes there isn’t any carbohydrates in your system and inadvertently it will turn some of that protein through a process called gluconeogenesis into glycogen which is effectively carbohydrates which has been converted into an energy source.

so if you eat too much protein that can also kick you out of ketosis sometimes people find it very hard to get all the fats that they require into their daily calories but one very simple and very effective way of getting your fats in and your fat levels higher is by having a bulletproof coffee now of course this is loaded with grass-fed butter coconut oil straight away you get in two very good sources of fat in the drink and of course it’s very easily consumed and it we’ll be high calories as well one thing some people notice when they are on the ketogenic diet is that they lose a small amount of strength it’s not too much but you will lose a little bit of strength and that’s due to the lack of glycogen in your muscles.

now if you think of your muscles simply like batteries with some power in them if you haven’t got any glycogen effectively you’ve taken away that power source but one thing you can do is replace that that missing glycogen with creatine which will have a similar effect we’ll give you that power and of course give you that a volumize muscle that a lot of people are looking for one thing that a lot of people mistake with a ketogenic diet is muscle wastage they think that they will atrophy if they don’t have any carbohydrates and they’ll lose muscles significantly.

The rest of the text is on the next page

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