diet ketosis

16 Celebrities Weigh in on the Keto Diet: Who Loves It and Who Thinks It’s “Dumb?”

16 Celebrities Weigh in on the Keto Diet: Who Loves It and Who Thinks It’s “Dumb?”

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16 Tamra Judge

Keto diet, While this Real Housewives of Orange County fitness guru is open to trying different diets and workout methods to keep her health in top shape, one diet Tamra Judge won’t be doing anymore is the Keto diet.

 She told The Feast, “I’m sure it works, but I cannot wrap my brain around eating that much fat. Bad fat — cheese, sour cream, butter, all that stuff.

 So, I like to do the good fats — like I’ll do the avocado, but I’m not gonna drown my eggs in butter and throw the cheese on top of it.

 Just — I can’t.” While Tamra did try Keto for about a month, it led her to get the “Keto flu” and she quickly gave it up. “They say there’s this Keto flu you get, and I just I fell off the Keto wagon,” she said.

15 Kourtney Kardashian

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Kourtney Kardashian originally went on the Keto diet in 2017 at the recommendation of her doctor — but she loved it so much that she decided to continue after seeing the effects it had on her body.

 She shared her experience on her personal blog: “Once I knew the ground rules, I was very strict and really stuck to it. I ate minimal carbs and no grains, beans or legumes. Instead, I focused my meals on fresh vegetables and lean proteins.”

14 Jenna Jameson

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