keto recipes sweet

The best keto pancakes ever! 5 easy keto recipes

The best keto pancakes ever easy keto recipes

Keto pancakes Hello and welcome to keto diet, if you are new in my casual, my goal is inspiration and strength and motivate you to live a healthier and more abundant life and men We’ve got another recipe today asking for it so I’m going so I can serve food.

What I will do for you today is the pancakes. I totally love the pancakes. How many of you love the pancakes, but I will tell you what I’ve found over and over. What I’m looking for keto recipes for pancakes and maybe you can agree with me? This does not look good and never goes well out of the wrong textures. To try to turn it over and they start to know that you are melting around the pan because there is a lot of oil in it and the men one of the things that you will know about the way I like to cook is that I like the simplest things as I always say.

Kiss keto is very simple, so I like to keep it simple so keep it simple and keep it clean so the recipes tend to be a bit cleaner than what they call dirty keto so we’ll keep it clean today, as I think you will love this pie recipe.

Is one of my favorite things that I took a little bit of their time because I can do it, I’ve refuted it and I think it’s a great recipe for you guys to try it out Let me know what you really think if you like the recipe again.

Make sure you like your participation to comment, so let’s go ahead and start Ed I’ll go to the ingredients list with you today and what we have here is:

Ingredients for keto pancakes

  • 1/2 cup heavy cream (or coconut milk)
  • 1/4 cup coconut butter
  • 2 eggs
  • Liquid stevia extract to taste
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour

Makes 6-12 pancakes depending on the size
Each pancake (based on 6 servings):

  1. calories 180
  2. fat 15.8 gms.
  3. carb 3.6 gms net (7 total carbs — 3.4 gms fiber = 3.6 gms)
  4. protein 3.6 gms
  5. fat 77%
  6. carbs 15% (this number is actually much lower after taking out fiber)
  7. protein 8%


Mix the ingredients together will put it all in the frying pan and we will get the cooking to tell you what you will want to see until the end because we will do a taste test. We will make sure that these things will come out really well. The rest of the text is on the next page …

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