diet ketosis

Diet ketosis for beginners

Diet ketosis uses ketone instead of glucose to provide fuel for the body. Ketones are compounds that are naturally produced by the body inside its larger organ, the liver when it is hungry for carbohydrates.

Traditionally, we derive all our energy needs from the glucose that is absorbed by the blood and is transported to the cells where it is used to fuel their work. This glucose is fed by carbohydrates, which in terms of evolution is quite new to our species.

Previously, most of our energy needs were mainly fats and moderately protein and carbohydrate, as grain and cereals were not plentiful.

Since agriculture became a part of our civilization, carbohydrates started to lead us and they accelerated even more because of the industrialization and the green revolution that gave us cereals and cereals like wheat, rice and corn.

TheDiet ketosis attempts to allow the body to change its fuel supply from ketones. The moment the body reaches a state of ketosis, it starts burning fat , which is precisely what most people want from their diet.

The benefits are derived as the body starts to become effective at burning fat, the previously accumulated fat in the body that previously stagnated inside rejoins the drive and feeds weight loss and other associated benefits such as feeling full and therefore fewer extra calories. This quickly translates into a positive loop and people who have been on the Diet ketosis once begin to feel fresh and ready to try for a longer time.
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