keto recipes salted

Keto Chicken Brochettes & Sesame Salad

Keto Chicken Brochettes,
Keto Chicken Brochettes,
Keto Chicken Brochettes,

Keto Chicken Brochettes & Sesame Salad

A Keto Chicken Brochettes & Sesame Salad recipe is necessary to start a meal plan because it is low in carbohydrates. The Keto diet cannot be thought of without a carbohydrate-free recipe.

I will not prolong you, follow me the details of the recipe

The ingredient list for Keto Chicken Brochettes & Sesame Salad (1 portion)

  • 3 chicken & veggie brochettes
  • 3 lettuce leaves
  • 1 tomato slice
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 1 portion sesame dressing


1. Rip the lettuce into bite-size pieces. Scoop out the avocado and cube it, slice the tomato slice in a few pieces. Add the sesame dressing and coat well.

2. Add the brochettes to a plate along with the salad.

Nutrition Facts;

468 calories 33.53g fat 14.89g carbs 6.7g fiber 4.44g sugar 28.35g protein

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