Tips Keto diet

8 biggest keto mistakes

the biggest keto mistakes  

but I’m pleased to say that I’m on a ketogenic diet and it’s not a catabolic diet so you won’t lose muscle because you’ve got adequate amounts of protein you will maintain muscle and you will grow muscle as well if you do the right exercises of course now another common mistake that a lot of my clients have made when I’ve said to them okay I want you to have 5% of your calories coming from carbs they pretty much cut out carbs completely the reality is things like lettuce leaf salad tomatoes onions mushrooms cauliflower broccoli green beans munch to all the above vegetables that I’ve mentioned are extremely low in carbohydrate they’ve got good amounts of fiber in them so they’re net carbs are very very low.

so you could have a massive plate and fill yourself up with green leafy vegetables feel very good very satisfied and of course keep well underneath your daily allowance of carbohydrates so don’t be scared of certain types of carbohydrates they won’t kick you out of ketosis so if you want to see more videos like this don’t forget to click Subscribe and give us a thumbs up.

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