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Guide keto diet.Welcome to my website thank you so much for coming over, today I’m going to talk about the keto diet that’s just hot on the market everybody is doing this ketogenic diet and it’s making a trend and it’s also helping others get well in their health journey and lifestyle change so what is a cuticle genic diet what does it do how can I benefit how do I start this article is gonna give you a guidance on how to start the ketogenic diet what you could do and what are some information are you needing to start the ketogenic diet.

ketogenic diet is basically a high-fat low carb diet that is going to force your body to burn fat and so many of us are looking for that when you burn fat you’re losing weight ketogenic diet is something that you want to transition into you want to adapt into that lifestyle because with the ketogenic diet you’re eating all the daily food from other diets that I’ve known you cut out a lot of things that you eat and with this ketogenic diet you don’t cut out a lot of the things that you eat you’re basically gonna be eating but you’re gonna be eating certain fats because this diet is just all about fats.

anytime you hear about the ketogenic diet you’re gonna be hearing about mackerel what are macros are basically calorie counting protein carbs fats you want to make sure that you’re not restricting yourself from eating it’s not a diet there’s more so lifestyle change I don’t want to say diet because it’s it just doesn’t sound right to me I’ve never been a fan of diet diets never worked this is on lifestyle change so I really hate that it has diet in the world because it’s not a diet it’s a lifestyle change so what are the foods that I can eat.

but from our previous article, I took you guys along with me when I went grocery shopping so that you guys can a general idea of what to get when you go to the grocery store.

I hope you guys got a basic idea of what to get so some of the foods are beef chicken broccoli spinach when it comes to the fruits you’re kind of limited on that because a lot of foods have sugar and in this ketogenic diet and taking sugar isn’t a big no-no because you want to make sure that your body goes into a ketosis mode this is a scientific mode that I’m going to so I’m gonna try to make it basic so you want to stay away from sugar because sugar will keep you away from ketosis is where you want to get to lose that weight .

basically the amount of sugar that you intake has to be limited so with a lot of the fruits that you eat daily like oranges bananas pineapples those are gonna be no-no so your main source of sugar it’s gonna be from stevia or if you want to eat fruits is gonna be mainly berries as you saw when I took you with me in the grocery shopping the main thing that I was picking are the varies that raspberries and blueberries the blackberries strawberries so those aren’t gonna be your good sources of just fruits to help you with that if you’re looking for something to eat in that category so when it comes to fruits your berries are gonna be your main source of fruits because anything other than that you’re gonna kind of kick yourself out of that ketosis.

more than we don’t want to do that you want to remain in ketosis so that your body burns that fat so the next thing is veggies a lot of the veggies are acceptable so with the ketogenic diet some of the things that you don’t eat to help you lose that weight or bread potatoes carrots sugar those sugar and bread are the main things that really hurt a lot of people from losing weight.

I myself I’m guilty of that I love sugar and I love bread so when I started the ketogenic diet it was kind of difficult but I was able to get used to it and start eating the right things for my body and I got adjusted to it and I’m eating it normally what are some of the benefits I can get from doing this ketogenic diet some of the benefits are lower blood pressure lower cholesterol your brush sugar is also going to go low and it also boosts this weight loss.

I know a lot of people know the ketogenic diet because of the weight loss it also has a lot more benefits to this it’s not mainly a diet I hate to call it a diet because with the diet you feel like you’re restriction yourself this is basically a lifestyle change I don’t like diet a don’t like losing diet basically this is a lifestyle change, not a diet is a restriction when you don’t have to eat it when you don’t eat anything then you’re restricted to eating or making choices you don’t have any choices with this ketogenic diet or a lifestyle change you have a lot of choices you’re not limited what are some of the advice that can give to someone who’s just starting the ketogenic diet.

01 number one don’t be so hard on yourself just live you want to adapt to this lifestyle so you don’t want to be so hard on yourself because you want to make it easy for yourself to adapt to the lifestyle rule.

02 number two pick all the good foods that you are able to get something that you know it’s healthy but you also like to eat because you’re going to eat it and your body’s gonna get adapted to that as well so don’t be so hard on yourself and also go ahead and get something that you like to find something that works for you because if you try to get something that doesn’t work for you you’re not gonna you know to do the diet and you’re gonna fall off and also when I say buy something that works for you as far as in the diet.

you don’t have to do the ketogenic diet there are so many diets out here (No carb foods list) there are so many ways to lose weight you don’t have to do the ketogenic diet but you have to find something that works for you to get to the goal that you’re trying to get to it’s all about what do you want for yourself what are you looking for you really to change this lifestyle for yourself are you making it hard for yourself to transition so it just you have to find that why you gotta find you’re way when you find you’re why then everything’s gonna follow through.

you will follow through prepping and having something that’s ready and healthy to eat that helps me from making those bad decisions I’m going to fast-food restaurants and you know messing up my diet I’m messing up what I’m already doing so how can I start the ketogenic diet you can start any day whenever you want to I suggest starting now as soon as you watch this article and you’re on this article for a reason because you’re doing your research to start so you’re on your way to getting there guy so this is just a step closer to where you want to get to you’re gonna lose that weight this year you’re gonna.

get to your goal I have no doubt that it’s not gonna work for anybody it will work for anybody that’s looking to change their lifestyle and adopt this into their lifestyle cuz you can’t so I hope I’ve given you a general idea of what a ketogenic diet is and giving you a starting point so I know like I said you are here for a reason so you’re well on your way guys so I hope I gave you a good pathway to start with I will be doing more article on the ketogenic diet for those who are wanting to continue or wanting to start this ketogenic diet I need guidance on how to do of what to do and what not to do while you’re doing this lifestyle change so look out for more article on the ketogenic diet.

I will be doing more and also my workouts as usual if you have anything you want to see leave it below for me if I could do it for you guys but yes I’m done with this article guys and thank you so much for your support thank you so much for coming over to my website.

As I said earlier, do not forget to share this article with your friends, click the Share button on Facebook, Pinterest or Reddit, be blessed and have a great day guys, I’ll see you soon.

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