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diet How to Start Keto – 1 The Ultimate Beginners Guide

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How to Start Keto – The Ultimate Beginners Guide

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How to Start Keto diet Hello guys, today I’m talking to you about a guide for beginners to learn how to diet ketone even if you’re fasting If you hardly start in this lifestyle and want to learn how to do it what it is and how it works here we’ve lost a lot my husband and I of weight After a low carbohydrate diet.

you can check it out after you have finished it but lost more than 75 lbs pounds and I’m feeling amazing and it’s all things to following a low carb lifestyle and I’m gonna go through with you the beginner’s guide on how to get started.

if you are just learning about this and you want to give this a shot to see if it can really change your life as it has for me and many many other people so welcome to my web site this web site  I have tons of tips and tricks for you following the ketogenic diet low carb high fat and intermittent fasting so be sure to hit that share this article and if you are returning welcome back okay guys .

so let’s talk about a beginner’s guide so there are many many reasons as far as why you might want to get started on the ketogenic diet but weight loss is one of the huge ones and so a lot of people get going for that reason alone so I’m gonna help you make this super simple for you so that you’re not confused because I know a lot of people are so confused when they first learn about this type of lifestyle and it’s really not as confusing as it seems I know for me.

when I first started learning about the ketogenic diet I was still confused about macros micros what the heck they are how you count them all of that it seems so confusing to me as well as net carbs and all of that stuff but to make this really easy for you guys basically what it is when you’re following a ketogenic lifestyle which this is a lifestyle so many people follow this type of way of eating forever for me.

I have adopted it into my lifestyle I didn’t lose all of this weight and then went back to eating junk no this week my life and I love it I love how you feel when I eat ketogenic if I fall off track you know every once in a while yeah it happens I mean I’m human I go on vacation sometimes there isn’t the type of foods that I need to eat we lost power right here in the Northeast .

so we lost power and you know it is what it is so I had to eat what I had to eat but anyway it happens so that’s life and that’s okay and you’re gonna find in your life too a way that works for you but when you get going on this type of lifestyle really.

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How to Start Keto for beginners

you want to wrap your mindset around making this a true lifestyle not just a diet not just something you start and plan to stop this is something you can literally do forever and you can do it easily in your lifestyle and it’s gonna make it it’s gonna make your life great because you’re gonna see you’re gonna feel amazing on the ketogenic diet so basically keto means .

you were eating high fat moderate protein low carbohydrates now if you have the standard American diet you’ve probably been eating carbs like forever and you’ve been told you need to eat low fat you need to eat low calorie you need to eat all the foods that you’re eating in carbs and protein and so your diet might be full of a lot of carbs cereals things you think are healthy but I’m here to tell you those types of foods.

are not they’re not good like I feel like they were like two forever because this is like a huge thing this whole shift and you have to shift your mindset around that too because I know a lot of people get started in their stall fraid to start eating fat.

it’s so scary because you’re told you fat it will make you fat right and you believe it but the complete opposite is true if you feed your body fat and your body starts running on fat as its primary fuel source you know what happens your body is burning fat for fuel it burns your body fat when it runs out of the foods.

the fat that you’re eating and there is no way that can eat enough fat in your day to run your body your body like you would be I mean I can’t even you would be eating so much fat it would be ridiculous and that’s not even possible so that’s where the ketogenic diet works because people get full unless because the food is satisfying you’re never hungry you’re never deprived you don’t go without you know eating unless you aren’t hungry and so you don’t eat and that’s the other thing you can actually follow your body’s lead and start learning when you’re actually hungry.

or if you’re eating for other reasons like stress eating or just eating – because you’re bored or a lot of those other things you’re gonna find with the keto diet when you get going on that you’re not going to have the same reaction to eating or at least you’re gonna learn to eat.

when you’re hungry because you’re gonna find your you’ll be more in touch with your body and that’s amazing okay so how do you do it how do you do the keto diet this is what I recommend if you’re just getting started into this I don’t recommend that you get going tracking your macros.

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right away and there’s a reason for that the main reason is because you don’t want to get overwhelmed and it can be super overwhelming when you first start getting going into this and learning about things and trying to do it all at once and then if it’s too overwhelming you’re gonna give up so and you can get great results doing it.

the way that I recommend which just starts with your net carbs try to eat 20 net carbs or less a day and you’re going to have some serious shifts happening you’re going to get into ketosis which is that is when your body is burning fat for fuel it’s producing this bhp which is causing your body to be running on fat as fuel it’s like the byproduct.

when your body’s burning fat for fuel so it’s going to you’re gonna feel great but initially you might have Paquito flu which is normal totally common when you cut out all that sugar you cut out all the carbohydrates so we’re talking about no more bread no more cereals no more pasta these things are not good .

and you think like how will I eat if I’m eating those things I’m telling you-you’re gonna be eating green leafy veggies you’re gonna be eating fresh meats cheeses olives these are the things that you want in your diet .

you want your diet rich in foods that are really good for you and so you’re not gonna be eating as much packaged foods you’re gonna be eating more real foods so that is one of the reasons why the ketogenic diet is so amazing for your health because the foods that you’re eating is going to be loaded with much more nutrition and nutrients then a lot of these bread you know pasta you’re getting a lot of calories.

but you’re not really feeding your body so you’re gonna be getting a lot more here now the question is all right so if you’re eating more meats no sugars which sugar we’re talking about fruits as well now you can eat low carb low glycemic fruits which would be on the berries the berries .

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are okay like strawberries blackberries those are okay but you want to count them and make sure that you’re staying within your daily net carb ratio now once you get that initial loss you start doing great and you’re feeling good and you feel like you want to start balancing the macros you totally can do that at any time and so to balance your macros .

I recommend you pick up an app I really like the carb manager app that’s the one I use get that app start entering in the foods that you’re eating and find out what your macro balance is and we’ll show you a little pie chart it will split them up and it will just give you a percentage of fat which these are the macros because everyone wants to know what the heck’s of macro Oh fad macro protein macro carbs macro you need to be in a specific balance.

that’s right for you for your macros now this could be different for different people but the standard ketogenic diet typically it’s about 5% coming from carbs 70% 75% coming from fats and the rest coming from protein so it’s a moderate amount of protein a high amount of fats and a low amount of carbs so you’re probably wondering if I’m eating all green leafy veggies I’m not eating any carbs where are these carbs coming from well carbohydrates actually are included in the veggies – so vegetable sources do have carbohydrates .

now what you want to count is the net carb so a net carb and I’m feeling like I’m sounding like I’m like giving you a like I don’t know like I’m a professor or something I’m not it’s pretty good there’s no other way to explain this to you but a net carb is basically when you take the total carbs you’re eating and you subtract the fiber from that and you’re gonna get the net carb because your body doesn’t digest the fiber so it’s not gonna increase the insulin so you’re not gonna have an insulin spike insulin is a fat storing hormone that is what you want to avoid the less insulin.

you have in your system the better because that means your blood sugar is stable all of these things fruits spike your blood sugar spike your insulin that’s where you want to just kind of stay away from those you want to stick with those green leafy veggies the veggies that are above ground not below ground is a pretty good .

you know if you’re trying to figure that out that’s a pretty good way to think about it you know potatoes are underground that is a really high starchy vegetable that it’s basically like eating a little packet of sugar it’s basically the same thing so no potatoes no carrots nothing that’s Underground cauliflower is good broccoli is good lettuce is great .

you know if you go out to a restaurant you can substitute some of the foods they have there for something that’s lower in carbohydrate all of these are just kind of like little ways so you start balancing your macros you add it into an app eventually what’s going to happen is you’re going to be eating similar foods every day you’re gonna get into a rhythm and you’re going to know basically.

what your macros are without even putting it into the app but that comes a little bit later so you want to use the app to kind of get you started to get you into it you can do that whenever you want and that will keep you in your macro balance so that is basically.

how you do the ketogenic diet so getting started you want to make sure you have plenty of electrolytes now there actually is an electrolyte powder that is really good that has potassium a high amount of potassium in it because your body is going to be flushing potassium magnesium and sodium and so getting electrolytes I was like essential you need to make sure you’re salting your food because your body when it flushes out all of this .

water it’s no longer holding onto water like it used to when you were very carb heavy in the foods that you’re eating when your body is flushing out all of this water you’re going to be losing sodium with it so you need to make sure you’re salting your foods so I will pop a link in the description for the electrolyte except like formula that I really.

I think is like really good when you’re just getting started on the ketogenic diet I actually just barely started adding this in because I just found it I think it’s it’s great because before it was like trying to find different electrolytes in different areas but the potassium is the big thing and that’s the hardest thing to get into your diet.

when you’re doing the low carb diet and so there’s lots of potassium in this so you need to make sure you’re getting your electrolytes I personally take extra magnesium at night before bed just a pill it’s just you just take magnesium I do 250 milligrams I do it before bed because sometimes when people get going on the ketogenic diet.

they can notice that they’re tired during the day and that is it typically assignment magnesium you have an issue with your magnesium so taking it before bed is really good it will help you sleep through.

the night because that’s the other thing some people find their sleep gets impacted they wake up early but that’s okay too because guess what you don’t need as much sleep anymore because when you’re following a ketogenic diet you’re eating these real Whole Foods your body’s you’re losing weight your body is starting to function.

the way it needs to function all of a sudden you’re going to be thriving off of less sleep just naturally and so if you notice like you might be waking up earlier go with it just get up and start your day.

you know if you’re waking up at like 3 a.m. obviously that will eventually level out and you’ll start sleeping like a good amount but don’t worry about it don’t stress about too much take that magnesium before bed it will help you sleep a little bit longer if you do have that issue so that’s what I would recommend you guys get started with you’re getting going on the ketogenic diet .

you’re making sure you’re taking your electrolytes you’re making sure that you’re staying within your the 20 net carbs are less a day which you can use that app to that carb my manager app I I told you about that’s for iOS if you have Android My Fitness Pal is great too okay.

so you’re staying within your net carbs learning how to do that for your day get everything out of your refrigerator that you can or your cabinetry that is going to be a trigger fruit food for you so if you have like Girl Scout cookies lying around you know you’re obsessed with Girl Scout cookies give them to the neighbor give them to someone at work get rid of them .

get them out of the house like don’t and don’t just like go on a binge of like all of the sugar in your house because you’re starting and you don’t always don’t do it guys like you can do this get rid of this stuff that you think is gonna be a really big temptation for you another recommendation I have when you’re just getting into the ketogenic diet.

is exogenous ketones exogenous ketones can help to get you into ketosis quickly so that it eliminates the keto flu effects there they won’t be as intense so like you might be getting headaches with a keto flu you might be feeling really really tired run down all of these things as your body is shifting metabolisms exogenous ketones can definitely help you in that situation because they’ll put you in a ketosis right away and they’re going to help you .

also lose the cravings for sugar which can be really really intense as you’re just barely trying to get out of that and get rid of that side effect of that so I put I have a 10-day experience that has exogenous ketones you can get started on that you can try it out see how it works for you while you’re getting into the ketogenic diet to get going on this lifestyle .

will help you ease into it I’ll put the link for that in the description as well so you can check that out but you can do this any way that you want basically you can get started on the keto diet the main factors though are there and the best thing is that you have success with making this really a lifestyle change so that now let’s get into like intermittent fasting because you’re probably wondering okay I’ve heard about intermittent fasting.

I’ve heard about the ketogenic diet is something I have to do intermittent fasting is amazing guys because what it does is it allows your body to go a long period without food so that when instead of your body working so hard to digest and what to do with this what to do with that now it’s putting you know you’re it’s it’s basically healing your body in other areas because it’s not working.

so hard digesting and so you’re going to you know like loose skin all of these things can be prevented or healed through intermittent fasting and it’s also a great way to help with fat loss and weight loss and all of those things so in a fasting the way you do that is basically you start eating.

a specific time during the day and then you stop eating eight hours after you start eating and then you go sixteen hours without eating and then you eat again in the morning now this is the sixteen eight hours fast this is the way that most people get started there are different fast but for this beginner’s little guide on the whole ketogenic intermittent fasting .

the easiest way for me to explain this to you is eventually once you get going on your ketogenic journey you’re gonna find that you’re just naturally not as hungry and a lot of times we’re not as hungry in the morning so you can use that in your benefit to follow an intermittent faster type of lifestyle now the way that you guys that you do this is like I don’t recommend you start this for at least two weeks into your keto diet .

to your Kito lifestyle but when you’re ready to do it and when you find that you’re just you’re waking up you’re not as hungry you have your first meal at noon so you make it 12 anything that is over 50 calories within your fasted window is going to break your fast that’s my personal opinion some people will say a hundred calories will break your fast some people will say water only personally .

if you’re Eve if you’re drinking and consuming 50 calories or less within SiC that 16 hour window from the time that you stop eating until you start eating again you’re not gonna break your fast and so that means if you’re having coffee in the mornings there you can add a tiny tiny bit of creamer to that half-and-half is what I would recommend because it’s lowering calories.

so you can do that and you can have that coffee and you can have plenty lots of water if your drinking is dodging is ketones the proof exhaustion is ketones are only like 40 calories each some are a little bit less but if you have that it’s definitely gonna help you with your intermittent fasting.

so I would recommend that you drink that when you wake up in the morning as your first thing you just have your your ketones they will give you energy some of them have caffeine in them so you can get them caffeinated if you want if you’re used to having coffee in the morning you want to swap it for this go for it do the caffeinated and then that will allow you to take your fast dog to noon have your first real full meal at noon and then you have your next meal.

which ideally you want to eventually just kind of cut it down so you have only two meals a day because the less you are snacking in between your meals the better I know we love to snack right sometimes we snack because we’re bored whatever don’t do it don’t snack if you can just don’t do it so I would say you have your first meal at noon you want it to be a big meal because you don’t want to be hungry,

you don’t want to be snacking in between your meals and then you have your meal for dinner at about 7:00 if you’re stopping eating at 8:00 and then you go the 16 hours again and make sure you’re getting plenty of the electrolytes plenty of vitamins I also take a multivitamin which I would recommend .

you do that as well I will put a link to everything that I’m talking about in the description here of this video so that if you need a multivitamin if you need electrolytes whatever you need it’s there for you but that’s basically it that’s the intermittent fasting thing so anyone can do in a man fasting you just have to follow your body and see what works for you.

don’t force yourself to intermittent fast if you don’t if you’re hungry if you’re hungry just eat follow your body learn how to follow your body and some people really like to just push their window back slowly so if you normally wake up and have your first meal.

at like 6:00 a.m. let’s say try the next day to do 7:00 a.m. and then the next day to do 8:00 a.m. and just kind of try to slowly shift it so that it moves now the really cool thing about your body is if you get started an intermittent fasting and you’re hungry let’s say you’re hungry your first day but you push past it like I would say the first three days you’ll probably be hungry.

if your body’s used to eating at like 7:00 a.m. and all of a sudden you’re eating at noon you’ll probably be hungry initially but what happens is your body produces the hunger hormones when it gets the hint like that food coming at noon now and not 7:00 so I’m not gonna I’m not going to produce those hunger hormones so you won’t get the hunger pains you won’t get the hunger signals until about noon when you would normally eat once you get going on that lifestyle.

so I would say I know I’m kind of contradicting myself because I just said if you’re hungry eat but in the beginning the first like three days you’ll probably be hungry as you’re starting to move that and that’s okay to kind of like push past that until you get going on it and then beyond that once you’re into.

the lifestyle of it if you do feel hungry within that time then I would say that you should probably eat something now the other thing is some people intermittent fast every day some people do it three times a day some people only do it on the weekend whatever works best for you is great so really you can do it however.

the lifestyle of it if you do feel hungry within that time then I would say that you should probably eat something now the other thing is some people intermittent fast every day some people do it three times.

a day some people only do it on the weekend whatever works best for you is great so really you can do it so that’s it intermittent fasting do it later on don’t do it right away as you’re just getting into the keto lifestyle get past the keto flu because once you’re past the keto flu.

it’ll be so much easier for you don’t think it’s gonna be like that forever feeling tired all those things make sure you have the things that you need the tools that you need the electrolytes all of those things the vitamins everything that you need the magnesium so that you set yourself up for success with this because that is the most important thing that will lead to your success now.

Thank you guys for reading, I hope I helped you in some way, make sure you like this article, if you know a friend follow the ketone diet or just start sharing this article with them so help them and thank the players to read this article if you are new here, Make sure you click this share button to take care of a new post here. Be sure to share the article with your friends.

see also; 7 Day Vegan Keto Meal Plan for Beginner’s to Lose Weight & Burn Fat

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