
Can You Drink Sparkling Ice on Keto Diet

Keto Sparkling Ice

Can You Drink Sparkling Ice Flavored Water on Keto Diet?

Ingredients for Sparkling Ice

Here’s a list of ingredients you can find in most of their products: carbonated water, juice concentrate, malic acid, natural flavors, vegetable juice (for color), potassium benzoate (to ensure freshness), gum arabic, green tea extract, retinol (vitamin a), niacinamide (vitamin b3), biotin, cyanocobalamin (vitamin b12), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin b6), calcium pantothenate (vitamin b5), cholecalciferol (vitamin d3), and sucralose.

Nutrition Facts

There are three (3) Sparkling Ice varieties being sold in the market. The Classics, +Caffeine and those under the New product line which are continuously being innovated as this moves forward.

In Sparkling Ice’s earlier years in the market, consumers can read on the label that it has zero calories.

However, recently in January 2020, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) new Nutrition Facts Panel labeling requirements took effect. One of the differences was that the serving sizes of products area must be updated to more accurately reflect the amount people actually drink (or eat) in a sitting.

In accordance with that, one bottle of Sparkling Ice is now labeled as 1 serving rather than what was previously indicated as 2. The calories shown reflect the larger serving size. Before 2020, Sparkling Ice rounded down to zero calories based on an 8-ounce serving, designated previously also by the FDA.

Therefore, it can now be seen in the package labeling that Sparkling Ice has 5 calories per serving. What is the source of calories? It comes from the acid, juice content and colors from natural sources.

Sparkling Ice does not contain sugar, instead being sweetened by sucralose. Sucralose is approximately 600x sweeter than cane sugar. It is also under the category of an artificial sweetener.

Here’s what you can see at the Sparkling Ice nutrition facts:

Sparkling Ice varietyclassics+CaffeineNew
Serving size1 bottle (17 fl. oz)1 can (16 fl.oz)1 bottle (17 fl.oz)
protien 000
Vitamin A15%15%15%
Vitamin D, 3 mcg15%15%15%
Vitamin B615%15%15%
Vitamin B1215%15%15%
Pantothenic acid15%15%15%
Antioxidants, Retinol Activity Equivalents (RAE) Vitamin A135 mcg135 mcg135 mcg
Juice content1%0%1%
CaffeineCaffeine free70mgCaffeine free


The Classics come in seventeen flavors and packaged in a bottle:

  1. Grape Raspberry
  2. Black Cherry
  3. Black Raspberry
  4. Pomegranate Blueberry
  5. Cherry Limeade
  6. Strawberry Watermelon
  7. Strawberry Lemonade
  8. Kiwi Strawberry
  9. Pink Grapefruit
  10. Peach Nectarine
  11. Orange Mango
  12. Crisp Apple
  13. Coconut Pineapple
  14. Classic Lemonade
  15. Ginger Lime
  16. Coconut Limeade
  17. Lemon Lime

Is Sparkling Ice Keto-Friendly?

All Sparkling Ice products are keto-friendly because they have zero carbs per serving. They are okay for people who follow a general low-carb and ketogenic diet.

However, some people who follow a strict keto diet might want to avoid artificial sweeteners such as sucralose and maltodextrin. If you’re having a weight loss plateau, you might want to avoid any artificial sweetener and switch to natural sweeteners instead.

Where to buy?

Sparkling Ice can be bought online from Amazon, Jet, Sam’s Club, and Walmart.


Sparkling Ice products are keto-friendly. Since it uses sucralose as its non-caloric sweetener. Generally, it’s simply sparkling water with added vitamins and antioxidants. Consequently, the +Caffeine brand has an added caffeine.


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