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5 Low-Carb Nuts That Won’t Wreck Your Keto Diet almonds

Almonds and keto diet

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almonds and keto diet The ketogenic diet is super popular these days, but following it can be challenging. The plan requires a lot of diligence, as eating too many carbohydrates can knock you out of fat-burning mode, also known as ketosis.

Keto dieters eat large amounts of fat, a moderate amount of protein, and only 20-30 grams of carbohydrates per day—or about half a medium bagel—to maintain ketosis.

The nominal amount of carbs allowed on keto makes it challenging to find snacks that won’t screw up your diet.

But nuts should be a go-to for any keto enthusiast, as they’re high in fat without being loaded with too many carbs. If you’re looking for the lowest carb nuts, add these to your emergency snack stash so you’re prepared when hunger strikes.

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You can munch on an ounce, or about 19 pecan halves, for roughly 20 grams of fat and only 4 grams of carbs.

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almonds and keto diet

Brazil nuts likely aren’t the first nut that comes to mind, but they probably should be at only 3 grams of carbs and 19 grams of fat per 1-ounce serving.

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