Tips Keto diet

93 Keto Tips For Beginners to the Ketogenic Diet

74 Ketogenic Diets have been used to treat seizures for decades.

75 Plan ahead and make sure you have good keto snacks when you start keto.

76 Keto can make you poop funny.

77 Your breath can smell funny when you get into ketosis, this will pass.

78 There are sneaky carbs in milk!

79 You can’t eat most fruit on Keto, but most berries are ok.

80 Some people find that too much protein will stall their weight loss as your body can turn it into glucose.

81 Keto Libido is a real thing. 

82 Yes, sometimes the first fat you lose is in your boobs.  🙁

83 You might feel tired when you start keto, but it will go away.

84 Riced cauliflower is a great substitute for rice.

85 Second Bread makes a decent keto bread.

86 I wish someone told me how easy the Keto diet is, that you can adapt almost any recipe to keto, and that you won’t be hungry.

87 I wish someone would have told me about intermittent fasting before a week in.  It’s a game-changer.

88 Once you’ve been doing keto for a while, you don’t need to track macros all of the time.  You can just eye it.

89 You can make homemade Keto Ice Cream that is actually good!

90 Cheating in the first few weeks will make it take longer and be harder to lose your carb cravings.

91 I wish I had known how simple it is.

92 How easy it is to find something satisfying to eat wherever you are

93 There is no one right way to keto.  Don’t let anyone keto shame you, and don’t do it to other people.

I wish someone had given me this list of keto tips when I started.  Share this with other newbies!

see also 11 Signs and Symptoms That You’re in Ketosis

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