Tips Keto diet

11 mistakes in keto should not fall into them

Mistakes Keto 9 – Too Much Protein

Another way to say this is I did not keep up with my macros and just went crazy on eating protein / meats. So much of my focus was on keeping the carb count low, but I was missing the protein and fats component.

A keto diet is made up of roughly 5% carbs, 20% protein and 75% healthy fats. I made the mistake of too much protein and not enough fat.

Mistakes Keto 10 – Not Getting Enough Sleep

With all the changes going on in your body, your body needs sleep. Think about it, your body is doing all of this work to heal itself and to get healthy, and that’s pretty draining on your resources. On top of that, I was getting active for the first time since college – my body needed rest and I was not giving it the sleep it needed!

I found that I have to be equally as intentional with my sleep habits as I do my nutrition, my water consumption, and my activity.

Give your body the best fighting chance possible with

Another Keto Mistake To Avoid

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