Tips Keto diet

11 mistakes in keto should not fall into them

Mistakes Keto 8 – Not Getting Enough Calories

Whether it was the Intermittent Fasting or simply not being hungry…or maybe even trying to over compensate for the years of food abuse, I found myself not eating enough, not getting enough of calories and not reaching my daily macros.

When you don’t give yourself enough of nutrition, the body kind of freaks out and begins processing this situation by storing up and making more fat. What??? I’m trying to get rid of fat not trying to store up more! Doesn’t the body know I’m trying to shed all of this fat??

So imagine my surprise when I was told I need to make sure I’m eating enough of food after YEARS of eating too much all of the time. Make sure that you give your body the nutrition and fuel that it needs. Starving your body (even when you’re not hungry) is just as harmful as overfeeding your body.

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